Thunderstone Users' Conference

Summer 2005

Cleveland , Ohio, USA, August 8-10
Thunderstone users and administrators are invited to Cleveland to learn more about indexing content with the Search Appliance and Webinator as well as creating advanced web applications with Texis and Vortex. The meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza Cleveland.

The first day will be geared towards Webinator and the Search Appliance, and cover crawl settings, tuning and customizing output.

The second day will cover programming with the Vortex language and cover useful material for both people looking to further customize Webinator, or create their own applications.

The third day will focus on advanced Texis topics, and will be most helpful for those creating their own applications.

Schedule and logistics

The training is scheduled to run from 9am to 5pm each day.

Evening meals each day are not included. Attendees individually may want to visit a nearby restaurant or entertainment venue.

If you are flying in we suggest either taking a taxi from the airport, or it is about a 10 minute walk from the Tower City Rapid station.

The cost of participation per person is $300 per day, with a discounted price of $750 for all three days. Space is limited at this event, so register early.

Attendees are responsible for hotel and transportation. We have negotiated a special rate of $119 per night (single or double) at the Crowne Plaza. To receive this rate, please mention Thunderstone Software when making your reservation.

You can make reservations by calling the hotel directly at (800) 321-1090 or (216) 771-7600.

Of course, let us know of any questions about the event!

Click here to register.

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