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This Online Book Initiative text at the University of Virginia finds the chapter, verse, and full text from the English translation by M. H. Shakir.
Scan the Good Book in the original English translation, including some books of the Apocrypha.
This University of Virginia electronic text of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible includes the Old and New Testaments and the 18 books of the Apocrypha.

Find the exact wording, chapter, and verse from any of six English and six foreign translations of the Bible (including King James, Revised Standard, and New International versions).
Are you a poet who doesn't know it? Original lyricists might want to steer clear of this dictionary, but it's an open book for anyone else.
Feeling a little smooth about the forehead of late? Search this newsgroup archive for happenings and banter on all things Klingonese.
Calculate the distance as the crow flies between any two cities in the world.
You won't get many 20th-century quotations here (this is the 1901 issue), but this part of Columbia University's Bartleby project serves up the first edition of Bartlett's master work.
Maps galore! The gazetteer shows detailed, zoomable maps from the Tiger Map Server.
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Tongue-tied travelers unite! Travlang's language tutorials come complete with sound files--and they're free!
This online phrase book from Travlang helps you make the grade, from cross-cultural meetings to international email.
You don't have to rise with the roosters to know that The Old Farmer's Almanac is the place to go for answers both trivial and practical.