Weighing in with data from more than 300 universities and organizations, this University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign directory collects phone lists. You search for an organization, then search for a name.

Find someone fast. This is another super efficient telephone listing lookup with numbers in the U.S., Canada, and abroad.
Another in the swelling number of email directories, BigFoot currently boasts 5.5 million records.
Yahoo takes a head count of the Net. Find out how to contact people by phone or mail with this compilation of addresses. For other options, check the other Yahoo People listings.
Yahoo takes a head count of the Net. Find out how to contact people by email with this compilation of addresses from Four11. For other options, check the other Yahoo People listings.
Find the URLs of personal Web pages from Yahoo. For other options, check the other Yahoo People listings.
This online individuals directory distinguishes itself with speed, accuracy, and a mapping feature.