Check out the Center for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval for a list of patents issued in the quest for a cure.
The University of Iowa's Virtual Hospital features a health publication database, U.S. Department of Health reports, and textbooks.
Knowledge is power.Don't be afraid to do some preliminary research prior to bringing your child to the doctor.
This professional index of multilingual medical studies is a useful resource for both doctor and patient.
The decision to compost, grow organic, or recycle affects everything from the quality of our health to acid rain. This directory helps you make responsible decisions.
Mental health is a serious issue, and the field is scattered with misinformation. This database doesn't fall into that category. It's the most complete searchable database on mental health issues that we could find in any public source.
Pediatric help is at hand! This collection of advice columns for your family's health and development is a great reference.