CNET's virtual software library covers shareware, freeware, demos, games, drivers, and updates for almost every computing platform.
Search the Computer Language Company's classic desk reference online at Computer Currents Interactive.
Targeted at software developers, this site houses tech info from vendor literature to articles from top industry mags. Free registration gets you into the site's discussion forums or lets you consult tech experts.
Free downloads of tried and true software titles to outfit your computer no matter which platform you use.
They call it a compendium of hacker slang, but Jargon File is a legendary Net resource full of amusing terms and informative descriptions.
This direct distributor of computer systems, hardware, software, and consumables carries such a large stock, its search facility doubles as an excellent research tool.
KnowledgeWeb and CMP's TechWeb bring enormous database of computer industry trade shows, seminars, conventions, and other events is a must for potential attendees and event planners trying to avoid double-booking.
You are not alone! Search this handbook of frequently asked questions on everything from dip switches to ZIP drives.
For shoppers who want a second opinion, ULN has price listings and product descriptions on stuff to get you connected.
Scratching your head at computing terms, jargon, acronyms, products, and obscure references? Most likely, you'll find the answer here (or mirrored at Princeton for U.S. residents).
Get the hype on computer companies and products by reading Byte magazine's collection of company press releases--the Virtual Press Room. Then get a healthy dose of evaluation by reading Byte's reviews too.
Pick any Microsoft product, from a keyboard to FORTRAN. If you have a question about it, or want a productivity tip, get the information straight from the source.
Search articles from the company that publishes Windows Magazine, Computer Reseller News, Electronic Engineering Times, and other publications.
Search Tile.Net's large database of computer product vendors for product and contact information, plus links to email and Web sites.
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Once you've registered, you can search any element of PC World Online for its PC product reviews and tips.
This directory of 1200-plus computer vendors' Web sites also contains a handy browse of those that are publicly traded on NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX.
If you're looking for an ftp site fast, this is where to find it. The summary descriptions of each site are lacking, but the site database isn't.
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