Note: This documentation is for an old version of Webinator. The latest documentaion is here.

Applying Search Logic

Texis and Metamorph use set logic for text queries. Set logic is easier to use and provides more abilities than boolean. The examples below make reference to single keywords, but keep in mind that each keyword can represent an entire list of things or any of the special pattern matchers.

Sets (or lists) of things are specified by placing the elements within parenthesis, separated by commas. Example: (bob,joe,sam,sue) . In the examples below, you could replace any of the keywords with a list like this.

The default behavior of the search is to locate an intersection (or 'AND') of every element within a query. This means that the query: "microsoft bob interface" is the equivalent to the boolean query: "microsoft AND bob AND interface" .

- (without)
The - (minus) is the most commonly used logic symbol. It means the answer should EXCLUDE references to that item.
+ (mandatory)
The + (plus) symbol in front of a search item means that the answer MUST INCLUDE that item. This is generally used in conjunction with the permutation operation.
@N (permute)
The @ followed by a number indicates how many intersections to locate of the terms in your query. This may be confusing at first, but it is very powerful.


Query Finds
bob sam joe Bob with Sam and Joe
bob sam -joe Bob with Sam without Joe
bob sam joe @1 Bob with Sam, or Bob with Joe, or Joe with Sam
A B C D @1 AB or AC or AD or BC or BD or CD
+A B C D @1 ABC or ABD or ACD
A B C -D @1 ( AB or AC or BC ) without D

Table 7.2: Search Logic Examples

The plus(+) and minus(-) operators must be attached to the term to which they apply. There must be a space between the operator and any preceding term.

Correct Incorrect
bob +sam -joe bob + sam - joe

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